Tag Archives: grass

Your Warm Season Grasses – How Much Water Do They Really Need?

warm season grasses

July is Smart Irrigation Month, and it’s a good time to water your warm season grasses wisely. How healthy is your lawn? Is there a drought in your region? How much water do your warm season grasses need? Watering Your Warm Season Grasses If you live in the southern or western states or the temperate […]

How to Keep a Healthy Lawn during the Hot Summer

healthy lawn

Summer is upon us. Soon, it’ll be July where the temperatures start to rise, and there’s less rain in the forecast. How do you keep a healthy lawn during the dog days of summer? Practicing smart lawn maintenance throughout the growing season will prepare and help your turf survive the hot, dry summer. How to […]

Month-by-Month Lawn Care Calendar for Cool Season Grasses

While your cool season lawn may be asleep under a layer of snow, it’s not too early to start thinking about lawn care. Each month, including December through January, provides many opportunities to do something related to lawn care. A Quick Review of Growing Grass in the Transition Zone Before getting to the month-by-month calendar, […]

That’s right – Say it and Spray it!


I’ve not ever had a spray tan, don’t particularly want one either, but some people love them. Maybe you know a neighbor who’s had one or read rumors about a President who’s recently had to cut back because they were tired of citrus jokes. Regardless of who it is, though, the process is the same: […]

Plugs, they’re not just for receding hairlines

May 2017 Plug Graphic Final C

Is your grass thinning? Are there bald patches in your lawn where it used to be full and lush? If you answered “Yes” to these questions it may be time to consider plugs. Fortunately we aren’t so far off our rockers to suggest grafting individual blades of grass from your backyard to your front lawn. […]
