Brinly U » Blog

Brinly U is your go-to place for the most in-depth information on how to maintain a beautiful, healthy lawn and garden.

Adding Lime to an Acidic Lawn

Adding Lime to an Acidic Lawn

Got yellow grass or stubborn bare spots that won't fill in, even with fertilizer due to an acidic lawn? Do you have moss and too many weeds where turfgrass should... Read More
Preventing Lawn Pests and Fungi

Preventing Lawn Pests and Fungi

Knowing the effects of pests and fungi on your lawn is vital. Grubs munch on grassroots, weakening your lawn, while fungi like dollar spot create discolored patches. To protect your... Read More
Brinly Electric Mower Attachments

Brinly Electric Mower Attachments

Redefine your lawn care game with electric mower attachments from Brinly. Brinly introduced its first electric mower attachments with the 38” Front Mount Dethatcher and the 42” Front Mount Blade... Read More
Tips for Sustainable Gardening

Tips for Sustainable Gardening

In today's environmentally conscious era, sustainable gardening is a practical way for homeowners like you to minimize environmental impact while nurturing the natural world. Using less water, reducing chemicals, and... Read More
Using Native Plants for Local Ecosystem Support

Using Native Plants for Local Ecosystem Support

Native plants naturally grow in specific regions throughout the world. They adapt to local climate conditions and develop a symbiotic relationship with wildlife. Native plants, including trees, shrubs, and perennials,... Read More
Your Guide to Planting a Clover Lawn

Your Guide to Planting a Clover Lawn

Are you tired of constantly mowing, fertilizing, and watering your grass lawn? Do you wish you could spend your summer weekends relaxing rather than taking care of your property? Look... Read More
Create Sustainable Gardening with the Right Equipment

Create Sustainable Gardening with the Right Equipment

As the world continues to face the consequences of climate change, many individuals are taking steps toward sustainable living. Let's dive into more information on sustainable gardening. One way to... Read More
VIDEO: Brinly Plug Aeration vs Spike Aeration

VIDEO: Brinly Plug Aeration vs Spike Aeration If you want the best aerator on the market, look no further than Brinly. Our aerators are made with heavy-duty steel and durable materials to ensure many years of... Read More
Modern Garden Design and Landscaping Ideas: Fresh Ideas for Your Outdoor Space

Modern Garden Design and Landscaping Ideas: Fresh Ideas for Your Outdoor Space

Modern garden design and landscaping for creating outdoor spaces emphasize clean lines, natural materials, and sustainability. You want to create functional and visually appealing outdoor spaces that complement your home’s... Read More


Brinly U is your go-to place for the most in-depth information on how to maintain a beautiful, healthy lawn and garden.