From sowing to mowing, these are the high-points that will ensure that you have the most gorgeous grass in the neighborhood

- Test your soil pH using a kit from your local home improvement store or garden center. Optimum range is 6.2 - 7.2; spread lime to increase, sulfur to decrease
- Use the appropriate grass types for your region – Down south, use warm season grasses like bermudagrass, zoysia, buffalograss, and bahiagrass. Further north, use cool season grasses like bentgrass, bluegrass, fescue, and ryegrass.
- Overseed thin spots, any time – during dry summer months use a coated seed to help retain moisture (see Spreaders)
- Keep mower blades sharp – visibly brown tips are an indicator of a dull mower blade, which leaves damaged grass susceptible to fungus
- Never cut more than one-third of the blade off at a time – Use the proper cutting height for your grass – (Fescue should be cut 3” to 4”; Bermuda grass 3/4” to 1 1/2”; Zoysia 3/4” to 2”)
- Mow lower when wet - helps increase evaporation rate and fight fungus during wet spells
- Mow higher when dry – increases moisture retention during dry spells
- Alternate your mowing pattern to help avoid creating compacted ruts
- Remove excess grass clippings on lawn – small amounts are beneficial, large piles are not. If it cannot fall beneath the surface of the lawn, it should be removed.
- Use low-nitrogen fertilizer in spring – while fertilizer high in nitrogen may show quick results, it prevents the root system from developing fully which can lead to problems later in the season
- Don’t fertilize during dry spells – higher probability of “nutrient burn”
- Water in the early morning – minimizes water loss due to evaporation and prevents unintentional burning. Watering at night can result in fungal diseases.
- Water more thoroughly and less frequently – soil should be saturated 6-8” down. Check by pushing a shovel into the soil and leaning it forward. Shallow watering inhibits root system formation and promotes weed growth.
- If the soil wont absorb water adequately, aerate - if using a plug aerator, break up the plugs and leave them on lawn so that the nutrients return to the soil (see Aerators)