I’ve not ever had a spray tan, don’t particularly want one either, but some people love them. Maybe you know a neighbor who’s had one or read rumors about a President who’s recently had to cut back because they were tired of citrus jokes. Regardless of who it is, though, the process is the same:
1) Make and go to appointment.
2) Walk in magic tube.
3) Close eyes and spin around.
4) Walk out darker and get on with life.
Pretty easy, right? And so is spraying your way to a greener lawn.
STOP: Don’t go running to your garage and rattle a can of green paint. Read on.
When considering home lawn care options many home owners tend to think that sprays are something best left to the pros, but that’s not the case. Spraying fertilizer on your yard and garden provides nutrients directly to the plant’s surface as well as its root system which are then absorbed. This, as you can imagine, delivers quick results. And the process is equally as fast:
1) Pick a nice day.
2) Fill magic tank with fertilizer mix and water.
3) Take a spin around the yard.
4) Walk away with a greener, healthier lawn and get on with life.
To make this process even easier Brinly makes an exceptional tow-behind lawn sprayer for your tractor. Our 25 gallon sprayer has two collapsible swing-away booms with a 7.5-foot spray width and an in-line mounted tank for maximum efficiency as well as easy maneuvering and storage. For convenience it comes with a 12-foot hand sprayer for applying liquids to tall trees, large bushes and hard to reach areas.
Not bad, eh!
Oh, almost forgot. The Brinly ST-25BH Lawn Sprayer can also be used for herbicides and pesticides as well. That way, when your lawn is good and green you can get out there and enjoy it without unsightly weeds and pests buzzing in your ear.
Check out more features, specs and find locations to buy our Lawn Sprayer here:
For tips on how to get the most out of your Lawn Sprayer and learn how to calculate the amount of chemical to apply use the link below to jump to another article about this product on BrinlyU: