Is your grass thinning? Are there bald patches in your lawn where it used to be full and lush?
If you answered “Yes” to these questions it may be time to consider plugs.
Fortunately we aren’t so far off our rockers to suggest grafting individual blades of grass from your backyard to your front lawn. We saw enough of that type procedure done on men’s scalps in the early 1990’s and it wasn’t a good look, so don’t worry. The type of plugs we’re referring to don’t add grass to your lawn but rather remove sections of ground in what’s commonly referred to as aeration or aerating.
When the ground becomes compacted by heavy use, and root systems begin to choke, it’s necessary to relieve that pressure to keep grass from dying. Aerating is a method by which the earth is punctured, or removed, to loosen soil and give root systems room to breath. Aerating also allows more water and nutrients to penetrate the ground and encourage grass roots to grow deeper. To aid in the aeration process Brinly makes plug aerators with heat treated spoons that pull 3” deep plugs out of your lawn. We guarantee you’re lawn will look like Swiss Cheese for a couple days but those plugs will quickly begin to break down and your grass will begin the process of thickening up.
Plug aerators aren’t for every lawn, though. Folks with more clay in their soil, or who want to aerate in between growing seasons, may prefer to use a spike aerator. Ever seen someone walking around their yard wearing golf shoes looking like they lost their golf ball hours ago? Using a Brinly Spike Aerator is the same concept but far more efficient and will produce better results. Spike aeration doesn’t have as beneficial an impact the structure of your soil but causes less stress to your existing grass and can be done most any time of year.
Note: If you’re looking to overseed at the same time Brinly also makes an Aerator-Spreader which combines the functionality of spike aeration and convenience of a spreader with a 100 lb. hopper.
Regardless if your yard has become compacted by a summer of kids playing flag football, daily fetch with Rover, the accumulation of excess thatch or a herd of elephants passing through your neighborhood, it’s your job to provide your grass some relief. Aeration is a great step forward in replacing those thin and balding spots with thicker greener grass. So if you’re ready to give your lawn the confidence it deserves to show off for your neighbors then check out our full line of aerators with the link below.
(For retail locations additional links can be found at the bottom of each product page.)