Tag Archives: lawn care tips

Annual Lawn Equipment Maintenance Checklist: Get Ready for Spring

Autumn Lawn Care Tips 2

Warm weather is on the way! Time to knock the dust off the lawn equipment that’s been sitting in storage waiting for the seasons to change. Hopefully everything was stored properly in the fall, otherwise we might have a chore on our hands. To help simplify the maintenance process a little bit, we’ve developed a […]

Homeowner How-to: Aerating and Overseeding

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Author: Shawn Thomas Determine the Need for Lawn Aeration If you have noticed that your turf grass isn’t looking its best or that water has difficulty penetrating through the soil surface, it may be time to aerate your lawn. Clay soils and lawns that bear heavy foot and vehicle traffic are especially notorious for needing […]

What is lawn aeration?

Plug Spoons 1

Benefits of Aeration Written by Dr. Robert Shearman, turfgrass professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln What is lawn aeration? Technically speaking, aeration is the naturally occurring process of air exchange between the soil and its surrounding atmosphere. Practically speaking, aeration is the process of mechanically removing small plugs of thatch from the lawn to improve […]

Lawn Rolling Fundamentals

Lawn Rolling 1

Lawn rolling is an intermediate-level landscaping technique that can help create a smoother, greener lawn. The premise is simple enough, a rounded weight that flattens the soil it passes over. But to utilize it effectively, it must be applied at the right times, in the right way, with the right frequency.  Read on to learn […]
