Warm weather is on the way! Time to knock the dust off the lawn equipment that’s been sitting in storage waiting for the seasons to change. Hopefully everything was stored properly in the fall, otherwise we might have a chore on our hands. To help simplify the maintenance process a little bit, we’ve developed a […]
Tag Archives: lawn tips
Author: Shawn Thomas Determine the Need for Lawn Aeration If you have noticed that your turf grass isn’t looking its best or that water has difficulty penetrating through the soil surface, it may be time to aerate your lawn. Clay soils and lawns that bear heavy foot and vehicle traffic are especially notorious for needing […]
With a built-in hand sprayer for spot spraying and boom-mounted nozzles for blanket coverage, a tow-behind trailer sprayer is an incredibly versatile tool. Balancing capacity and maneuverability, it’s able to cover large areas that wouldn’t be possible using only a hose end, pump, or backpack sprayer. We’ve compiled this list of ways to get the […]
From sowing to mowing, these are the high-points that will ensure that you have the most gorgeous grass in the neighborhood Test your soil pH using a kit from your local home improvement store or garden center. Optimum range is 6.2 – 7.2; spread lime to increase, sulfur to decrease Use the appropriate grass types […]
Dethatching your lawn the easy way Lawn thatch is a layer of grass clippings, dead leaves, and other organic material that builds up underneath your lawn, just above the topsoil. A small amount is essential and protects the roots of the grass, but having too much prevents air, water and nutrients from reaching them. This […]
Summer Lawn Tips | BrinlyU It’s Summer time which means to raise your mower deck to the highest level. This helps keep your grass protected from heat and levels of drought, trapping moisture. This not only can trap moisture, but can block sunlight from the weeds, which helps your lawn look green and healthy in […]
To say KY Derby week is exciting is an understatement. It’s the most exciting time in the state and the king of all horse racing. Horse racing buffs from all over the country will have their opinion, but it’s also not an understatement to say Churchill Downs is the prettiest track in the country – […]
Springtime is obviously a great time to spread seed and plant. Temperatures have been unusually warm across the country these past several weeks. And if you’re like us, you’re already tinkering around out in the yard and garden. If you’re like us, you’re just itching to get out in the sun for some springtime seeding. […]