Category Archives: How-to

Keeping Your Thumb Green during the Winter with Houseplants

Best Low Maintenance Winter Houseplants

Keeping Your Thumb Green during the Winter with Houseplants Now that your backyard garden is put to bed, do you still need to nurture plants? Well, you’re in luck because you can now focus your green thumb on winter houseplants. Best Low Maintenance Winter Houseplants Since many winter houseplants come from the tropics or are […]

How to Keep Your Lawn Healthy for Winter

healthy lawn

Do you feel the chill in the air? That’s a signal that autumn will soon turn into winter. While you may think that you’re finished with all of your lawn care except mowing and cleaning up, that’s not entirely true. It’s also the right time to put down that last application of winter fertilizer. Here […]

How to Make Compost for Your Backyard Garden & Lawn

How to make compost

If you love transforming trash, such as kitchen scraps and grass clippings, into a beneficial soil conditioner, then you need to start composting. Complete the circle of life right in your backyard with your own composter. You want to use green scraps, including fruit and vegetable peels, and brown scraps, such as wood chips, newspaper, […]

How to Make Compost at Home (Using Kitchen Scraps and Other Natural Waste!)

Recent research shows that food scraps and yard waste make up 30% of the trash we throw away. The EPA says that this excess waste, which can be used to feed the soil in your flowerbeds, vegetable gardens, and lawn, take up more space at landfills and contribute to methane production. You can make organic […]

Tips & Tricks: How to Plant Bulbs in Fall

Are you planning to add fall bulbs to your flowerbeds, landscapes, and along your borders? Then you need to have a plan of where you’re planting them as well as how they’ll fit in with your overall landscape design. Fall bulbs do well when planted in soil that’s between 40° – 50°F or six weeks […]

Follow These Steps To Get Rid of a Swampy Yard

Does your backyard fill up with water every time it rains? Then you probably have a drainage problem. If you have a yard drainage problem, you’ve no doubt noticed the following problems: You have more mosquitoes in your yard Lawn grass doesn’t grow well in the area where ponding occurs Water-loving weeds, such as nutsedge, […]

Mowing Your Lawn: 6 Hacks for Keeping Your Yard Looking Tidy and Well-Maintained

Tips on How to Mow Your Lawn… And Why It’s Worth Your Time Lawn mowing can be a boring, weekly chore. And when you’re busy working and raising a family, it’s just one more chore added to the honey-do list.Whether you’re new to homeownership or not, mowing your lawn can be a hassle—especially if you’re […]

How Often to Water Your Lawn in Summer? + 12 Tips for Responsible Watering

How Often to Water your Lawn in Summer? This is a question that comes up frequently, especially as the temperatures start to creep up across the country. Lawn care enthusiasts start to wonder how to adjust their watering schedule to ensure their lawn stays vibrant and green well into the rest of the year. Unfortunately, […]

10 Ways to Go From a Synthetic Lawn to an Organic One

If you’re curious about organic lawn care, you’re not alone. A lot of homeowners are turning to organic lawn care because it’s safer for their children and pets as well as they’re using less chemicals that can runoff into stormwater drains. Does Organic Lawn Care Work? In a nutshell, yes. However, it takes a few […]

10 Common Weeds & How to Control Them Without Killing Your Lawn

Weeds—they’re everywhere. If you want a weed-free lawn, you need to know which weeds are living in your yard and then, use the right herbicides to get rid of them. But your job isn’t done yet. Instead, you need to incorporate some healthy lawn habits to ensure that these weeds can’t return to your beautiful […]
